+My modified A.r.a.h. G.I.Joes with comic-style stories+

What is it this section? I decided, some time ago, to do a kind of "tribute" pictures for each Gijoe character. Many people talk bad about some waves of the Arah line. Personally, i think all the Gijoe chracters have something interesting to talk about. Maybe sometime the colours are too "flash" or strong, but, with some custom and paint in the right place everything could be better :) So, here you will find some pics of my collection, with short stories, and you can see how i customized some of my Joes (like Ice Cream Soldier or Tunnel Rat). Some of my Joes are just ordinary, because i like them in the way they are. Maybe, i just changed the weapon or a very little detail. Well, now take a look at the pics, hope you will like them :) I do new pics every month so, come back again please :) Enjoy ^.^
Featuring the following Joes: Footloose, Scarlett, Dial-tone, Bazooka, Ice Cream Soldier, Pathfinder, Recoil, Bombstrike, Leatherneck, Beachead, Hit'n Run, Low-light, Repeater, Tunnel Rat, Sure Fire, Big Ben, Armadillo.


18 May 2010

Details: Footloose is one of my favourite Gijoe. It was one of the first i bought when i was child. I never changed nothing about him, everything is just ok.
Where: I took this pic in the "Oltrepò Pavese" territory, Pavia, North Italy.

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18 May 2010

Details: i really like the 25th Bazooka, i think is the best figure in this line. Im not a lover of the 25th line, but i think Bazooka is very cool 'cause is huge and very detailed. I choose to use this version instead of the Arah, because i like the idea that is so big.
Where: I took this pic in a flower/plants shop in
Monza (my city), Italy.

Click thumblails to enlarge


18 May 2010

Details: Scarlett is a very important character. I think almost the Joes collectors love her, including me. I always tought that the 1982 Scarlett was VERY ugly. Fortunally, the 25th line have many different versions of her. I Choose this one, i think this is still the best (the movie one is not soo pretty).
Where: I took this pic in hills of the Parma/Piacenza territory, north/central Italy.

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18 May 2010

Details: I have some good memories of Dial-tone from when i was kid: a friend of mine had him, and i always wished to have one too, but i never had him, until now ;) I think is a very good character, the best communications expert ever in the Joe line. And of course, for me Dial-tone is JUST a male. I don't like the new versione with a female identity. I really get angry when they changed so much the identity of a Joe! I painted something in his dress, with gold and silver details on ammos, bombs and mics.
Where: I took this pic in the "Oltrepò Pavese" territory, Pavia, North Italy.

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[now all the comic strips are in english!]

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12 May 2010

  Details: this is my custom ICS. I know, his name is terrible... and the original colours were also very ugly... BUT, i think the character is nice. I noticed that every wave of the original Arah line has a new one afro-american character every year, so, the ICS wave was the only one without a new bro. Also, we don't know if ICS is white, black, asian or what... so i decided to create for him an afro-american identity, using the head of Gijoe Street Fighter Balrog, and the body of a 2002 Shock Viper: the body is the same as the original ICS, but with more nice colours. Weapon and backpack are from Dragonsky. What do you think? Is a nice custom? :)
Where: I took this pic in my bedroom :)
Monza (my city), Italy.

12 May 2010

  Details: the first time i saw PF i just thought: "oh my God, he seems to be a fisherman or a grocery man..." but now i like him, also with those ugly colours ;) I changed nothing of him, i just add some paint details in his weapons, that's all.
Where: I took this pic in the "Oltrepò Pavese" territory,
Pavia, North Italy.

12 May 2010

  Details: Recoil is another great character. I like his green Ray-ban! I think they are very 80s-fluo-aerobic style ;) I changed his weapons, because light-blue is not a good colour for an M-16 with granade launcher... :P And i painted his ammo.
Where: I took this pic in hills of the Parma/Piacenza territory, north/central Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: Bomb-strike is a good girl. I mean, is a nice character. I always thought that there are not enough girls in the Joes. She's cutey, seems strong, and she have an original speciality. Before i decided to use just 25th style girls for my Gijoe group, she was too different from the others girls... but now, she fit perfectly with the 25th Scarlett, Lady Jaye, Helix etc.
Where: I took this pic in the park garden of the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: Hit'n Run is simply perfect. I just painted his knife with a metal silver. That's all ;)
Where: I took this pic in a garden near  the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: Beachead is a very nice Joe. I had no need to customize him, is just perfect ;) Maybe one day i will try to find a "face" head for him.
Where: I took this pic in the park garden of the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: I always loved Leatherneck, is a very cool Joe. I changed his arms, using a "huge muscles" ones. I also painted some details of his body, like the Marine symbol, the radio and more.
I took this pic in a garden near  the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: Low-light was a surprise for me, when some years ago i begin again to collect Joes. Why? Because he never arrived in Italy (my country) so it was nice to discover a character like him.
Where: I took this pic in the cellars rooms of the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: Repeater is a good one also. I dont like so much his face, but he's tough. I think the drawing in his card show him like a kind of Arnold Schwarzenegger tribute character
Where: I took this pic in a flower/plants shop in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: When i was little, TR was one of the most desiderable Joes of his wave. I really like him. Unfortunally, i don have one of the 2 flashlights of his back. I painted many details in his vest and backpack, i added some claymores in the backpack, and i changed his weapon.
Where: I took this pic in the cellars rooms of the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

22 April 2010

  Details: When i first saw Sure Fire a couple of years ago my first thought was: "hey, what a poor character". But now i like him. His bio is very interesting: i like the idea of a strong and clever policeman like him.
Where: I took this pic in the cellars rooms of the building where i live, in Monza (my city), Italy.

3 Nov.2009

  Details: Im very sad that there are just few europeans characters in the Gijoe waves. Im european, so i like Big Ben. It's a very original character, with very nice colours and details.
Where: I took this pic in the "Oltrepò Pavese" territory, Pavia, North Italy.

3 Nov.2009

  Details: When i began to collect Joes, i decided to buy just the main characters. But Joe after Joe i discover that everyone was very nice. Armadillo was one of them. I buy it loose, but i like his strong and hard face and the way he choose dress :P
Where: I took this pic in the "Oltrepò Pavese" territory, Pavia, North Italy.


The G.I.Joe Italian+European+World Fan Site

Thanks to my dear wife, for energy, support and ispiration :)

thanks to
Half the Battle
The Terrordrome
Jmm's Gijoe Encyclopedia
Yojoe - Gijoe NL - Joe Battlelines
Delta Files - HissTank - Gijoe Club
Gijoe Underground - Gijoe Priceguide
Joe Central Command - BFTB

for some pictures & info
and of course,

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